Online gaming operator VicBet has been hit with a AU$150,000 fine in Australia after “repeatedly” sending promotional material to a customer who had self-excluded.

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The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) said the brand also provided a $1,800 bonus bet to a customer after they asked for their account to be closed.

 “Breaches can have serious consequences, not only in terms of punitive actions against the companies we catch out, but for people whose lives are affected by this behaviour,” said VGCCC CEO Annette Kimmitt.

“It is an egregious betrayal of trust, for example, to continue to send marketing materials to a person who has self-excluded from a gambling venue or closed a betting account.”

Sending the bonus to the player who asked for account closure cost VicBet $50,000 and an $80,000 fine was issued for the provision of the gambling promotion to the self-excluded player.

“On these occasions, VicBet failed to live up to both its legal and social licences to operate, which include minimising the risk of harm to customers,” Kimmitt said.

“Industry must respect the wishes of people who decide to have a break from, or quit, gambling. This means taking all reasonable steps to enforce harm prevention initiatives that customers commit themselves to, such as self-exclusion programs.”